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This work can’t be done without committing oneself and questioning what's important to us and why we want to get up every morning. Art and culture have a place to hold in the development and maintenance of international relations in a world where exchanges are paramount, where alliances are the key to success, and where Europe is a force to be reckoned with. In a divided Europe, facing many challenges including war and the rise of extremes, culture is a vector of democracy, resistance, hope, peace and freedom. It federates, engages and resists, and brings together people who want to experience it. ​In this vein, I believe it is important to make a parallel commitment to concrete topics that will enable us to take a broader view. My commitment focuses on three fields of activity. 



A personal commitment to the «Generation Europe» European network. I'm very grateful to have been accepted into the second promotion of this initiative supported by the french-german Youth Office and the French and German governments, to represent the french-german cultural policy section. Our main theme is democracy, in relation to the European elections. We are working on joint projects and meeting in Paris, Berlin and Brussels with political and civil society stakeholders involved in these topics. ​

© Maxime Gruss



A constant investment in issues of inclusiveness, and more specifically gender equality: I am very happy to have joined the economic and business women's network Nushu which gives me the opportunity to meet so many inspiring women. I hope to be able to take concrete action in the field of gender equality through my commitment, my day-to-day work and the leadership that comes with it. 



The development of a culture that is accessible to all, focused on areas that receive less attention than others: I work at an institute in a German region that is underestimated in terms of economic and cultural exchanges, but which is nonetheless brimming with opportunities and ambition for young artists and entrepreneurs. A first initiative,  where I was present at the launch, is a very good start in this direction, which needs to be developed and promoted: Frankreich-Initiative Ostdeutschland

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